Thursday, December 18, 2008

Where is the Pursuit?

What ever happened to the days when guys were supposed to pursue a girl to win her heart? Now a days it seems like it is more of hi, your cute lets date. Seriously what ever happened to the slow get to know you and actually find out if you like them. The reason why I have been thinking about this is because I was at work last night and I am talking to this guy and he walks off randomly during our conversation because he sees this girl. He talks to her for about a minute and walks back to where I was and says and I quote “She has a boyfriend”. I stood there thinking how much of an idiot this guy was. First because he apparently asked her if she had a boyfriend and two because he clearly doesn't care for anything more then trying to get with her. The sad thing about this event is that because that girl saw me with him she thinks I am in his little crew of people who just want to get girls.

Also as I looked around work yesterday and tonight I noticed that almost every girl had this fear in their eyes that every guy that walks by them is going to hit on them. One of the girls I have got to know since working there told me she was hit on by 6 different guys before lunch today. Seriously what happened? I know this has always happened but it seems like it is getting a lot worse and girls are scared to look at guys out of fear that they may try to hit on them and get there number. I don't know it just seems like this fast paced world is taking relationships in a fast paced way also. They don't want to wait around and get to know a person because that may take to long they would rather jump into a relationship and if it doesn't work find another girl a fews days or weeks later. They do not want to pursue a girl, they want the girl now and if they do not get it they say screw it and find another girl.

Maybe I am just old fashioned but seriously, it bugs me to see that most guys use girls to get what they want. And some use them just because they feel like they should have one and then they use that girl like a crutch that they can't walk around without. But for real I want to pursue after a girl that I know could be the type of girl I could end up marrying instead of some random girl that I just met. The point of dating is to marry, there is not other reason for it but that! Also I don't want a girl to pursue after me, I don't want her to ask me on a date, I am old fashioned that is something that me as a guy should grow up and do.

Also this can be opposite also, I know some girls attack guys and thats just weird.

1 comment:

sarah said...

Perhaps to give you some hope, there are still a number of girls who don't/won't date guys like that.