Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Cant think of a title...............

I sit here pondering what it is that we are missing. No one strives to be like Christ anymore, no one wants to give up whatever they have in order to gain a life that is better then any other. Then we have those who claim to follow Christ but are so wrapped up in there own pleasure that they do not even remember what it is like to truly hear from God. Understand that I am guilty of this just as we all are, but that is not what Christ wants from us.

Christ wants perfection from us, and he says that in Matthew 5:48 "Be perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect." But yet we are fine with sticking with our sinful nature instead of pursuing perfection. We say it is impossible to reach perfection and that there is no way for us to get out of our sinful nature. It is true that we will not be perfect till we are with Christ in Heaven but yet we can get out of the Sin that holds us back. Look at Paul who went around killing Christians but yet when Christ came to him he gave it all up and pursued Christ and perfection. He followed so hard after Christ that he said in 1 Corinthians 11:1 to follow his example as he follows christ.

Why can we not follow Christ in this way. The way where everything we do points directly to Christ and not to us. Why can we not trust Christ and stop thinking we know better. If this world had one person who was willing to step up and just say alright God all i have is yours. No matter if I have to give up a decent paying job or the house I am living in I am willing to lay it all down at your feet and follow after you. The person who steps up to the plate and even though they do not know what will be thrown at them they know God will be with them always. They understand that God will protect them in the way that Paul talks about in 2 Timothy 4:17-18

"But the Lord stood at my side and gave me strength, so that through me the message might be fully proclaimed and all the Gentiles might hear it. And I was delivered from the lion's mouth The Lord will rescue me from every evil attack and will bring me safely to his heavenly kingdom"

I hope that I step up in the way that God call us to. To let His light shine through me in such a way where every thing I do they see Christ and not me. I do not want to be like the ones who claim to live for God but stand still and do nothing in His name. This world can be changed with one person and I want God to start that in me. No matter what is thrown at me and no matter if I lose a Job or anything I want all of Christ and not this type of Christianity I see lived out all around me.

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