Monday, October 19, 2009

Where is Worship? Part 2

I was pleasantly surprised with all the good feedback from my first post on this topic. It is clear that people do want to get back to what the true heart of worship is. If you have not read my last blog I recommend that you read it before reading this one. That way you can know exactly where all of this is coming from and are not confused with what exactly I am talking about. Well here comes part two I pray that God speaks to you through these words and pray that these words are not my own but His.

One Sunday I was standing during the invitation at church and I saw people praying on the alter and what looked like they were really surrendering things to God. During invitation everyone knows that you get one full song and that is it, no more no less. The song had come to a close and there was still people praying on the alter. The pastor realizing this asked everyone to bow there heads for a moment but just like a stereotypical baptist I didn't. I proceeded to watch the pastor walk over the people who were praying and whisper into their ears. I am not sure what exactly he said but after he did they stood up and walked back to there seats. I could tell he wasn't praying with them because he only stood by them for about 5 seconds. And i could tell by a look of disgust on there faces they were not happy with him.

This event makes me think of one essential thing in thinking about "Where is Worship? and that is about how we Quench the Spirit. When believers do not allow the Spirit to be seen in our actions, when we do what we know is wrong, we quench the Spirit. We do not allow the Spirit to reveal Himself the way that He wants to." According to John 14:26 But the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you. So you can see from this verse that when the Holy Spirit speaks to you it is teaching you and reminding you of our Lord Jesus. Can you see why it would be a problem to quench that spirit?

In the end of Pauls letter to the Thessalonians he tells them to not quench the spirit. (1 Thess. 5:19) We can see that this must be important because Paul speaks against it but yet we still do it and I believe it is one of the things holding us back from true worship. Imagine going to a church service that put the whole service in Gods Hands. I service that said today I will let God run the show and not me. I can imagine the spirit just showing up in a way that no one can imagine. Worship would never stop it would be continuing. The pastor may never actually speak a word it may just be worship. If there is more then one service at your church, imagine the first service rolling into the second and no one stopped it.

This is a experience I long to be a part of. To be apart of something that says today we will not hold back the spirit. We will let it free and to live out the way it wants to. Even if the clock says service should have ended 10 minutes ago no one will care because God had arrived and when God shows up you better not quench Him! I truly believe God wants us to give up our set schedules to give up the idea that after an hour church must end or else mindset. He wants to be able to move without us holding him back at all.

This blog took a twist I wasn't ready for but it is important. One because as Baptist we avoid talking about the Holy Spirit and all that it can do because then we think we may become Charismatic. But you know one thing about the Charismatic movement is that they walk into church knowing they may stay for hours and worship. It is the same way in churches that are planted in other countries who never herd the word of God before. Their services go for hours because they want to be able to stay and worship God.

Before ending this I always want myself and you as the reader to take a look at yourself. Take a look at yourself and see what it is in your heart, and mind that is holding back the spirit from coming forth and for you to experience true worship.

I hope you all are blessed from this post and I cannot wait to read your comments, and I will be working soon on the next part....Where is Worship? Part 3


Kelsey Diane said...

I was really struck by these two blog posts. I have been struggling a lot with true worship recently and have really been convicted to make a change. It is encouraging and challenging to read these and know that I am not the only one in this place and that God has a purpose for worship and I have not been living it. I am ready to leave it all and really worship Christ truly and wholeheartedly. Thanks for this Brent.

Jacob Russell said...

Brent I think you have struck a nerve that alot of Christians around us including us are struggling with. This has been a very humbling time in my life cause I have started letting go of my schedule and my time table and started allowing God to influence what is going to be coming my way. This has makes so much since but yet so hard to follow. It is like the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. I have know that I have to over come the flesh but it is still very hard. Grace and Peace.