Friday, January 22, 2010

Complacent Christians are the Devils Greatest Weapon

It has been over 24 hours since the thought "Complacent Christians are the Devils greatest weapon," came to my mind. Complacency for those of you who may not know what that word means exactly means, one has become apathetic to ones need or problem. Ever since then I have been processing through writing this and what exactly I should say. I have to admit that this in my mind if probably the most important writing I have ever done in my mind. More important then the “where is worship” series I did. This is on a thought that has convicted me and has begun to change my relationship with God.

I began to look at scripture and the main scripture that comes to mind when thinking about complacency is Revelation 3:14-22. In this passage you have God talking to the church at Laodicea and he tells them they are nether Hot nor Cold and since they were nether he was going to spit them out of his mouth. This is the main spot in scripture that I feel really attacks the idea of Complacency. The followers of Christ at Laodicea have become so apathetic in their view for Christ that he says since they are nether hot nor cold he would spit them out of his mouth. I do not know about you but someone spitting something out there mouth does not sound like a good thing. Is this something that we really want done to us as quote unquote followers of Christ?

I have to be honest this thought scares me and makes me look at the world around us. I see a lost and dying world who does not care at all about the creator of this world. The worst part of all this is that Christians have become apathetic to Christ. We do not care anymore, we have allowed sin to creep so far into us that we can not even understand Christ love anymore. We have no love for His word or to pray to their father in heaven, we have a huge heart issue. We should be reaching out but instead we are becoming more like the world everyday. That is why I say we are the Devils greatest weapon.

Every time I look out at my quote unquote Christians brothers and sisters, it seems that we have become more worldly then the world. I understand that this life is not easy and we all fall short of Gods glory but there is difference between being complacent to sin and occasionally messing up and then repenting for it. As Christians we have become a un-repentant group of people and that is the very reason why more people are turning away from Christ then turning toward him. I had a friend say to me the other day that every youth pastor they know do not act like it outside of church. This is what made me think about all this.

I pray this has hit your heart and has convicted you in the way it has convicted me. We need to not conform to the patterns of this world but we need to transformed by the renewing of our minds. (Romans 12:2) :We need to stand up for once and throw away all the garbage that is dragging us down. Whatever it is, cursing, smoking, drinking, porn, lying, and pick up our crosses and run after Christ. The one who saved and redeemed us. It is when we allow God to change our hearts that we can truly change the hearts of others.

I love you all

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great message here. I just did a study on the Book of Zephaniah, and in chapter 1 it talks about the complacent being judged and punished, just like in Revelation. It is a great study if you want to get a better understanding of who God will judge. God Bless.