Thursday, January 14, 2010

Just read/Listen

Just so you understand I really did wing the song, I did not have any words written out or chords prepared or anything. I basically had something on my mind and wanted to do a song/prayer. Usually if I have a lot on my mind or anything I will pick up my guitar and just start singing. This is the first time in my life that I have added something I randomly was singing onto my blog or anything. So please do not judge thats it off tempo or some of the words do not flow well, I just liked the words that came out and I wanted to explain what it is from.

Tonight after the WKU basketball game I got back to my apartment and I got a phone call from a lady at the church where I work. She had informed me that one of my youth's father had died. Understand that I haven't been at this church even a month yet but I was filled with concern for her. It is of course hard to reach out to someone who barely knows you and it is impossible to find words to make any sense of a situation like this. Basically the only words that one could say during this time is to say "I am sorry" and offer to pray with the person. Saying things like "This is Gods will" or "We don't understand Gods timing" honestly do not help. And honestly for young people it can bring a sense of anger against God. So with all this going through my mind I turned on my webcam and started to play guitar and sing. The words I liked a lot and I may rework them a little bit and rerecord it sometime.

The words will be below this but there is one line that stuck out to me after singing. In the song I say "words theres so many words but none can explain the brokenness you feel inside" I wonder how often when trying to help someone we try to make them put words to there feelings when honestly feelings a lot of times do not have words that truly describe them. Well enjoy the song and I hope it can help you in some way.

Words cannot express the feeling you must feel,
Words cannot express a broken heart,
God she needs You now she needs your touch
God come down from heaven; show her your the one
God come down
she needs you now
words theres so many words
but none can explain
the brokeness you feel inside
I come before you now
hoping you will see
the Godwho loves you
the god who loves you
God come now
She needs your grace
Shes broken down inside
and she says it will never be the same
so god come down
she needs you tonight
really now she needs now
So come down from heaven
show her you are who you are
she needs you now
So God come down she needs you

1 comment:

Jacob Russell said...

Wow! This was amazing! You are right, there is nothing that can be said to help lessen the pain other then "I'm Sorry."