Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Listen or Ignore?

I have recently began to realize that we all have one choice in life and this choice is one that is essential to everything we do and everything we may become. That choice is whether to listen up or ignore everything. Think about that, this choice can be used in every situation that we encounter in life. It could be as simple as a friend trying to talk to us about anything from a serious situation to rebuking us. It could involve classes and whether we should listen up or just play on our laptops and ignore the professors. And of course it comes into the most essential relationship that we can encounter in this life and that is with Jesus Christ. I will even say that this is the easiest relationship to flip flop both sides of this choice in life on. This is a very sad reality but I pray the words on this page God uses to not just impact myself but also you the reader. So here is your first use of this choice in life since I pointed it out. Will you keep on reading or will you ignore the rest of my words?

The word “Listen” is used in the bible over 400 times. It is something that if you were to sit down and read all the verses that have the word listen in them you will see many things. You could start in the garden when Adam listened to Eve and ate the fruit, or you could go to Matthew and see that Jesus is telling the crowds to listen and understand. In almost every instance the reason the word is used and comes about from ether God talking or a command that God said that was disobeyed. Like the case with Adam and Eve God told them to not eat of the tree of truth and knowledge but yet Adam listened to Eve instead of God. It is also used in Mark 9 with the transfiguration up on a high mountain and a voice came from the clouds and told Peter, John and James to listen to Jesus the son of God. The scriptures show a God who wants us to listen to him because he does truly know what is best for us.

The second option which is ignoring everything is the situation that we fall into the most amount of time. Let me just point out some prime examples of scripture that at times I ignore more then I actually do what it says. First is the great commission in Matthew 28:19. How often do I truly go reach the lost or step out of my comfort zone to do what God has called? Honestly not much, this is one example of myself ignoring God. Another great one comes from James 1:19 where it says be quick to listen and slow to speak. If anyone knows me at times I am opposite of that and though God has brought me a long way in this area I still have long ways to go. These are just 2 small examples in my life of how I ignore God at times. How many other things in scriptures would I be able to find that I do not follow if I tried? Probably a lot but I would rather not bore you with those.

The whole point of this blog is about the choice we have. Will we listen up and do what God is calling us to do or will we just simply ignore it. I honestly am not sure what we as people will do. I am curious to see what would happen if we would listen up. I know one thing and that is that emptiness that never seems to go away would truly cease. God promises fruits of the spirit if we seek him and one of those is joy.

So as I close this out I guess the question comes down to will you listen or will just ignore God?

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