Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Prayer Request

This is a very hard blog for me to write and to be honest the only reason I am is because I have faith in the power of prayer and in you my friends. What I am about to ask is really important to me, so please, I ask humbly for you to help me with one thing. I am not even sure how appropriate it is to use this form of communication to help me, but if you know me it is obvious to you that I am not good at asking for things in person. So this is the easiest way for a person like me, the guy who is very independent and the guy who wants to do everything himself to ask this request.

So finally to the request, I would like to ask you to pray for the salvation of my oldest brother. If you know my testimony than you know that my family did not start going back to church till when I was in middle school. My brother is 5 years older than me and had already graduated high school by the time this had happened. This being true he was never really in church.

I believe strongly in the power of prayer and I believe strongly in the power of God so I ask this one request. Just pray God to soften his heart to those who speak to him about Christ and that God grant the opportunity to share with him. Only God can save and I have faith that he will. This truly has been burdening my heart for some time especially since in 3 months I move to texas.

I believe many of us have similar prayer request, so if you do please post them on the comments below. If I ask you to help me in prayer then I should do the same for you. I believe prayer is powerful, so let us work together. I truly love you all.

Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus. - 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

1 comment:

Cam Marie said...

Your brother is in my prayers Brent.