Monday, March 21, 2011

I May Transfer.

So I am really thinking about transferring to Southern Seminary. I know some people will say this is because I miss home or I miss friends or whatever, that is honestly not true. People who know me know that I am the most outgoing person around. I will make friends wherever I go and I have no problem finding things to do. Now I do have to admit that I hate the hot weather here and I do miss storms which do not seem to happen here. But to be honest with you all I have not felt at peace here. I believe that when you follow the will of God that there will be peace in what you do. It may not be easy and it could be the hardest thing ever to accomplish but we know in that that God is faithful and strengthens those he loves and offers peace to us. I believe a lot of times in my life I listen to God but I do not listen well. So maybe I wasn’t listening maybe something else. I am not sure but I am still praying about it and will make a decision by june or july.

I am open to advice from you all so feel free to comment. Love you all

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