Sunday, May 22, 2011

Lord I cling to you

Lord you have put me here for a reason, even if that reason is sometimes hard to see or understand. You called me away to places that were unknown to me and now you have called me back to familiar ground. Lord I must admit that I am confused as to your plans for me. Have I confused your call on my life, am I just lost in the desert  looking for a sign to point me in the right direction? Lord I know you are God, the one who makes what seems impossible possible. Your time table is very different then mine and it truly is your will that is to be done and not my own. So Lord teach me to follow you in the midst of the confusion that life brings. Teach me to seek you even when the road seems dark and I seem to have no where to go. Lord you are “ The Way, The Truth and The Life” teach me to seek you more everyday. I know this road is dark and I seem lost but Lord I will cling on to the hope you offer because only you can save me from the fall. Lord I cling to you.

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