I have finally sat down and kind of thought out what the next few points in my Where is Worship? series are going to be. Now I need to apologize for the lack of order or structure with this series. I believe the 2 points after this should have probably came sooner in this series but I have been going more for what was on my heart at the time that I wrote it. This part of this series is based on worship attempting to be an outreach for non-believers. Part 4 will be about Hebrews 4:12-13 which talks about the word of God. So that part will be about the Holy Word in Worship. Part 5 will be about Prayer and how it must be used in worship for worship to even happen. Now I have to admit that these next few parts may be a little more straight forward then I have been because I feel like I do not need to hold back as much as I have been. I want to drive these points home and make sure you get it.
So as I said this part is about an Outreach Worship service. I have had recently been thinking about the question, If you want Worship to be Outreach Minded and want to make it appeal to the masses by playing loud rock music and music that is not worship is it still truly Worship? I made a statement similar to this my facebook status recently and had some very interesting comments. My status was more about whether or not we should just call worship like this a concert. I am thankful for some great responses and I think one person hit the core of this point. He asked with all these "seeker" services being offered, is that biblical? Can a seeker really worship the way the Father demands "in Spirit and in truth" (John 4) or is worship something that only a child of God can do? This person then went back and answered their own questions and this was their response: For me the answer to my questions is "No." There is no sense in planning a "seeker" service because they cannot worship. Do we make them "seeker friendly" where they can follow along, etc... sure. But to plan a "worship" service around people who are lost makes absolutely no sense to me.
This comes to the heart of this piece. Worship is not happening because we are too worried about making worship for the lost. Those that are not followers of Christ cannot Worship God because they cannot worship in spirit and truth. This is because they do not have the spirit which is the Holy Spirit which comes from receiving Christ. And they do not have truth which is every word that Christ spoke because they do not follow Christ which means they cannot follow truth. So thus they cannot experience the worship that come from God.
This comes to me as a big problem because everywhere is cutting worship for this idea of an Outreach minded worship service. This could be on the dumbest things I have heard and this is the reason why worship is not happening anywhere. We decide to change worship everywhere. The church, campus ministries, and this is a huge problem. Have we ever thought that if true worship happened that non-believers would be more likely to respond to Christ? Imagine if Christ showed up in a way that just by entering a building you were hit by it and it brought you to your knees. I believe this is the kind of Worship that will make the blind to see, the dead to be raised, and the deaf to hear.
I find it hard to sit back anymore and watch this happen, to watch Worship be replaced with what probably to God looks like filthy rags. I pray for myself and for everyone reading this that their heart will be broken for true worship. That God will break through and reminds us that when the Holy Spirit arrived at Pentecost that Three Thousand were saved in one day and that is the type of Worship and holy spirit presence I believe God wants.
This is an interesting piece and the one that will probably get me plenty of talks to but I honestly want you to think about it. Can true honest worship of God by his believers make non-believers fall for Christ? I am not saying at all that we need to not seek out the lost but I think we need to reevaluate the way we plan worship because of them. I hope you continue to read my next parts in this series.
Father make in me a crisis man. Bring those I contact to a decision, let me not be a single road. Make me a fork that man must turn one way or another on facing Christ in me"" Jim Elliot
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Monday, October 19, 2009
Where is Worship? Part 2
I was pleasantly surprised with all the good feedback from my first post on this topic. It is clear that people do want to get back to what the true heart of worship is. If you have not read my last blog I recommend that you read it before reading this one. That way you can know exactly where all of this is coming from and are not confused with what exactly I am talking about. Well here comes part two I pray that God speaks to you through these words and pray that these words are not my own but His.
One Sunday I was standing during the invitation at church and I saw people praying on the alter and what looked like they were really surrendering things to God. During invitation everyone knows that you get one full song and that is it, no more no less. The song had come to a close and there was still people praying on the alter. The pastor realizing this asked everyone to bow there heads for a moment but just like a stereotypical baptist I didn't. I proceeded to watch the pastor walk over the people who were praying and whisper into their ears. I am not sure what exactly he said but after he did they stood up and walked back to there seats. I could tell he wasn't praying with them because he only stood by them for about 5 seconds. And i could tell by a look of disgust on there faces they were not happy with him.
This event makes me think of one essential thing in thinking about "Where is Worship? and that is about how we Quench the Spirit. When believers do not allow the Spirit to be seen in our actions, when we do what we know is wrong, we quench the Spirit. We do not allow the Spirit to reveal Himself the way that He wants to." According to John 14:26 But the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you. So you can see from this verse that when the Holy Spirit speaks to you it is teaching you and reminding you of our Lord Jesus. Can you see why it would be a problem to quench that spirit?
In the end of Pauls letter to the Thessalonians he tells them to not quench the spirit. (1 Thess. 5:19) We can see that this must be important because Paul speaks against it but yet we still do it and I believe it is one of the things holding us back from true worship. Imagine going to a church service that put the whole service in Gods Hands. I service that said today I will let God run the show and not me. I can imagine the spirit just showing up in a way that no one can imagine. Worship would never stop it would be continuing. The pastor may never actually speak a word it may just be worship. If there is more then one service at your church, imagine the first service rolling into the second and no one stopped it.
This is a experience I long to be a part of. To be apart of something that says today we will not hold back the spirit. We will let it free and to live out the way it wants to. Even if the clock says service should have ended 10 minutes ago no one will care because God had arrived and when God shows up you better not quench Him! I truly believe God wants us to give up our set schedules to give up the idea that after an hour church must end or else mindset. He wants to be able to move without us holding him back at all.
This blog took a twist I wasn't ready for but it is important. One because as Baptist we avoid talking about the Holy Spirit and all that it can do because then we think we may become Charismatic. But you know one thing about the Charismatic movement is that they walk into church knowing they may stay for hours and worship. It is the same way in churches that are planted in other countries who never herd the word of God before. Their services go for hours because they want to be able to stay and worship God.
Before ending this I always want myself and you as the reader to take a look at yourself. Take a look at yourself and see what it is in your heart, and mind that is holding back the spirit from coming forth and for you to experience true worship.
I hope you all are blessed from this post and I cannot wait to read your comments, and I will be working soon on the next part....Where is Worship? Part 3
One Sunday I was standing during the invitation at church and I saw people praying on the alter and what looked like they were really surrendering things to God. During invitation everyone knows that you get one full song and that is it, no more no less. The song had come to a close and there was still people praying on the alter. The pastor realizing this asked everyone to bow there heads for a moment but just like a stereotypical baptist I didn't. I proceeded to watch the pastor walk over the people who were praying and whisper into their ears. I am not sure what exactly he said but after he did they stood up and walked back to there seats. I could tell he wasn't praying with them because he only stood by them for about 5 seconds. And i could tell by a look of disgust on there faces they were not happy with him.
This event makes me think of one essential thing in thinking about "Where is Worship? and that is about how we Quench the Spirit. When believers do not allow the Spirit to be seen in our actions, when we do what we know is wrong, we quench the Spirit. We do not allow the Spirit to reveal Himself the way that He wants to." According to John 14:26 But the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you. So you can see from this verse that when the Holy Spirit speaks to you it is teaching you and reminding you of our Lord Jesus. Can you see why it would be a problem to quench that spirit?
In the end of Pauls letter to the Thessalonians he tells them to not quench the spirit. (1 Thess. 5:19) We can see that this must be important because Paul speaks against it but yet we still do it and I believe it is one of the things holding us back from true worship. Imagine going to a church service that put the whole service in Gods Hands. I service that said today I will let God run the show and not me. I can imagine the spirit just showing up in a way that no one can imagine. Worship would never stop it would be continuing. The pastor may never actually speak a word it may just be worship. If there is more then one service at your church, imagine the first service rolling into the second and no one stopped it.
This is a experience I long to be a part of. To be apart of something that says today we will not hold back the spirit. We will let it free and to live out the way it wants to. Even if the clock says service should have ended 10 minutes ago no one will care because God had arrived and when God shows up you better not quench Him! I truly believe God wants us to give up our set schedules to give up the idea that after an hour church must end or else mindset. He wants to be able to move without us holding him back at all.
This blog took a twist I wasn't ready for but it is important. One because as Baptist we avoid talking about the Holy Spirit and all that it can do because then we think we may become Charismatic. But you know one thing about the Charismatic movement is that they walk into church knowing they may stay for hours and worship. It is the same way in churches that are planted in other countries who never herd the word of God before. Their services go for hours because they want to be able to stay and worship God.
Before ending this I always want myself and you as the reader to take a look at yourself. Take a look at yourself and see what it is in your heart, and mind that is holding back the spirit from coming forth and for you to experience true worship.
I hope you all are blessed from this post and I cannot wait to read your comments, and I will be working soon on the next part....Where is Worship? Part 3
Friday, October 9, 2009
Where is the Worship? Part 1
So recently I have found myself slipping more and more into sin almost to the point where I can not recognize who I am anymore. Now of course everyone around me looks at me and think nothing is wrong and that is because I am very good at wearing masks and can hide things from people very well. But as God began to break my heart and like the shepherd from Matthew 18 run after me to bring me back to the herd I began to notice why it is so easy for me and many others to go astray. This is because true worship is not happening!!!
I began to notice this because when getting turned around I longed for intimacy with Christ and to honestly Worship him for all he has done. I am talking about the Lord of All, the Alpha and Omega, the Sacrificial Lamb, the Bread of Life, the Deliverer, the Redeemer, our Lord Jesus Christ!! The one and the only one who deserves to be praised but yet when worshiping it seems like we are worshiping the wrong things. We look to a band and say that they are our source for worship and all the band is about is sounding good together and to get everyone to jump around and go crazy versus experiencing Christ. It seems like we are not letting the Holy Spirit move in a mighty way and when the Holy Spirit does begin to move we quench it. We are more about singing a song then about falling on our faces in prayer and adoration to the Lord.
Before you start complaining and saying I am wrong and all that jazz I want you to stop for a second. I want you to take a deep look into your heart. When is the last time you honestly worshiped God whole-heartily. What I mean by this is when you worship is it just you and God or is it you and the band, you and the person next to you, you and wondering what is for lunch or how long the line is going to be at O'charleys. Or Maybe even wondering why the person across the room is raising there hands, or maybe you are the person who raises there hands even though in all honesty your mind is not focused on Christ at all.
You do understand that you do not have to have music to worship God right? Look at John 4:21-24 it says that true worshipers will worship in spirit and truth. This means we worship from the heart and the way God has designed. Worship can include praying, reading God's Word with an open heart, singing, participating in communion, and serving others. It is not limited to one act, but is done properly when the heart and attitude of the person are in the right place.
I look at these verses and notice a few things about worship. True worship is only acceptable to God. So many times we stand and sing songs but in all honesty our heart is not actually in it. For example we will sing the song Holy is the Lord. The words are :
We stand and lift up our hands
For the joy of the Lord is our strength
We bow down and worship Him now
How great, how awesome is He
How many times have we sang that song but yet not really even thought about the words? We sing a song saying that we will lift up our hands for the Joy of the Lord is our strength but yet we stand there and just sing the words but not truly read them. It says we raise our hands, if we sing these words and do not raise our hands are we in a sense lying? Understand I do this, i sing this song and stand still and don't actually think about what it is that I am singing. I also do this to the song We Fall Down.
We fall down
We lay our crowns
At the feet of Jesus
I don't lay my crowns down to Christ, I like to hold on to things and not truly surrender it all over to Christ. I understand that song is looking at Heaven and what it will be like when we see Christ but currently I cannot even follow Him 100 percent so honestly can i truly fathom laying all my crowns down at the feet of Jesus?
Another point I see from John 4:21-24 is that, that true worship only comes from Jesus Christ. I think the reason why do not truly come into honest worship with Christ is because we are unrepentant. In my life personally I find it impossible to truly come before God in worship when I am holding on to sins or not wanting to repent for things. When we bow before God and repent and let God restore our hearts it is then I am able to truly worship him in Spirit and Truth. That is why i say that true worship only come from Jesus Christ. Because only He can restore ones heart and make a person whole again.
So i have never wrote this much before on a blog and my thought process is not over, So i will call this Where is worship? Part 1. I long to hear your thoughts on this but please understand this is not an attack on anyone so if you are reading this and for some reason think this is attacking you calm down, it is not. Part 2 will be coming soon.
I began to notice this because when getting turned around I longed for intimacy with Christ and to honestly Worship him for all he has done. I am talking about the Lord of All, the Alpha and Omega, the Sacrificial Lamb, the Bread of Life, the Deliverer, the Redeemer, our Lord Jesus Christ!! The one and the only one who deserves to be praised but yet when worshiping it seems like we are worshiping the wrong things. We look to a band and say that they are our source for worship and all the band is about is sounding good together and to get everyone to jump around and go crazy versus experiencing Christ. It seems like we are not letting the Holy Spirit move in a mighty way and when the Holy Spirit does begin to move we quench it. We are more about singing a song then about falling on our faces in prayer and adoration to the Lord.
Before you start complaining and saying I am wrong and all that jazz I want you to stop for a second. I want you to take a deep look into your heart. When is the last time you honestly worshiped God whole-heartily. What I mean by this is when you worship is it just you and God or is it you and the band, you and the person next to you, you and wondering what is for lunch or how long the line is going to be at O'charleys. Or Maybe even wondering why the person across the room is raising there hands, or maybe you are the person who raises there hands even though in all honesty your mind is not focused on Christ at all.
You do understand that you do not have to have music to worship God right? Look at John 4:21-24 it says that true worshipers will worship in spirit and truth. This means we worship from the heart and the way God has designed. Worship can include praying, reading God's Word with an open heart, singing, participating in communion, and serving others. It is not limited to one act, but is done properly when the heart and attitude of the person are in the right place.
I look at these verses and notice a few things about worship. True worship is only acceptable to God. So many times we stand and sing songs but in all honesty our heart is not actually in it. For example we will sing the song Holy is the Lord. The words are :
We stand and lift up our hands
For the joy of the Lord is our strength
We bow down and worship Him now
How great, how awesome is He
How many times have we sang that song but yet not really even thought about the words? We sing a song saying that we will lift up our hands for the Joy of the Lord is our strength but yet we stand there and just sing the words but not truly read them. It says we raise our hands, if we sing these words and do not raise our hands are we in a sense lying? Understand I do this, i sing this song and stand still and don't actually think about what it is that I am singing. I also do this to the song We Fall Down.
We fall down
We lay our crowns
At the feet of Jesus
I don't lay my crowns down to Christ, I like to hold on to things and not truly surrender it all over to Christ. I understand that song is looking at Heaven and what it will be like when we see Christ but currently I cannot even follow Him 100 percent so honestly can i truly fathom laying all my crowns down at the feet of Jesus?
Another point I see from John 4:21-24 is that, that true worship only comes from Jesus Christ. I think the reason why do not truly come into honest worship with Christ is because we are unrepentant. In my life personally I find it impossible to truly come before God in worship when I am holding on to sins or not wanting to repent for things. When we bow before God and repent and let God restore our hearts it is then I am able to truly worship him in Spirit and Truth. That is why i say that true worship only come from Jesus Christ. Because only He can restore ones heart and make a person whole again.
So i have never wrote this much before on a blog and my thought process is not over, So i will call this Where is worship? Part 1. I long to hear your thoughts on this but please understand this is not an attack on anyone so if you are reading this and for some reason think this is attacking you calm down, it is not. Part 2 will be coming soon.
Friday, August 14, 2009
I feel like myself and the world around me have gone numb to all the Sin around us. It seems like we can play with sin and be in it but since we are so numb to it then it does not bother us. SO much I hear from people that want to start a Revolution for Christ. I have said these words myself. I wonder if the reason why this Revolution has not started yet is because we are so numb to the sin we actual commit. God is not going to lead hypocrites into starting a Revolution in his name. If that happened his name would just be dragged through the mud like it is currently. To start this revolution we need to make sure we are praying and pleading to God to break us for the sins we have become numb to. Then we need to not compromise but actually flee from it and follow hard after Christ. Then I believe Christ will start a Revolution in us.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Cant think of a title...............
I sit here pondering what it is that we are missing. No one strives to be like Christ anymore, no one wants to give up whatever they have in order to gain a life that is better then any other. Then we have those who claim to follow Christ but are so wrapped up in there own pleasure that they do not even remember what it is like to truly hear from God. Understand that I am guilty of this just as we all are, but that is not what Christ wants from us.
Christ wants perfection from us, and he says that in Matthew 5:48 "Be perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect." But yet we are fine with sticking with our sinful nature instead of pursuing perfection. We say it is impossible to reach perfection and that there is no way for us to get out of our sinful nature. It is true that we will not be perfect till we are with Christ in Heaven but yet we can get out of the Sin that holds us back. Look at Paul who went around killing Christians but yet when Christ came to him he gave it all up and pursued Christ and perfection. He followed so hard after Christ that he said in 1 Corinthians 11:1 to follow his example as he follows christ.
Why can we not follow Christ in this way. The way where everything we do points directly to Christ and not to us. Why can we not trust Christ and stop thinking we know better. If this world had one person who was willing to step up and just say alright God all i have is yours. No matter if I have to give up a decent paying job or the house I am living in I am willing to lay it all down at your feet and follow after you. The person who steps up to the plate and even though they do not know what will be thrown at them they know God will be with them always. They understand that God will protect them in the way that Paul talks about in 2 Timothy 4:17-18
"But the Lord stood at my side and gave me strength, so that through me the message might be fully proclaimed and all the Gentiles might hear it. And I was delivered from the lion's mouth The Lord will rescue me from every evil attack and will bring me safely to his heavenly kingdom"
I hope that I step up in the way that God call us to. To let His light shine through me in such a way where every thing I do they see Christ and not me. I do not want to be like the ones who claim to live for God but stand still and do nothing in His name. This world can be changed with one person and I want God to start that in me. No matter what is thrown at me and no matter if I lose a Job or anything I want all of Christ and not this type of Christianity I see lived out all around me.
Christ wants perfection from us, and he says that in Matthew 5:48 "Be perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect." But yet we are fine with sticking with our sinful nature instead of pursuing perfection. We say it is impossible to reach perfection and that there is no way for us to get out of our sinful nature. It is true that we will not be perfect till we are with Christ in Heaven but yet we can get out of the Sin that holds us back. Look at Paul who went around killing Christians but yet when Christ came to him he gave it all up and pursued Christ and perfection. He followed so hard after Christ that he said in 1 Corinthians 11:1 to follow his example as he follows christ.
Why can we not follow Christ in this way. The way where everything we do points directly to Christ and not to us. Why can we not trust Christ and stop thinking we know better. If this world had one person who was willing to step up and just say alright God all i have is yours. No matter if I have to give up a decent paying job or the house I am living in I am willing to lay it all down at your feet and follow after you. The person who steps up to the plate and even though they do not know what will be thrown at them they know God will be with them always. They understand that God will protect them in the way that Paul talks about in 2 Timothy 4:17-18
"But the Lord stood at my side and gave me strength, so that through me the message might be fully proclaimed and all the Gentiles might hear it. And I was delivered from the lion's mouth The Lord will rescue me from every evil attack and will bring me safely to his heavenly kingdom"
I hope that I step up in the way that God call us to. To let His light shine through me in such a way where every thing I do they see Christ and not me. I do not want to be like the ones who claim to live for God but stand still and do nothing in His name. This world can be changed with one person and I want God to start that in me. No matter what is thrown at me and no matter if I lose a Job or anything I want all of Christ and not this type of Christianity I see lived out all around me.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Matthew 6:1-4
"Be careful not to do your 'acts of righteousness' before men, to be seen by them. If you do, you will have no reward from your Father in heaven.2"So when you give to the needy, do not announce it with trumpets, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and on the streets, to be honored by men. I tell you the truth, they have received their reward in full. 3But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, 4so that your giving may be in secret. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you."
I read this and it makes me think a lot about myself and people in general. How often do we do a good act that pleases God but yet we run around and make sure that everyone knows that we did it. As I read this I think about humbleness and start to think that I really am not that humble. If i do something I want to shout it from the roof tops so that everyone can know what I, Brent Phillips have done. The more I think about that, that alone is wrong. I am nothing, nothing I do should give glory to me but it should all point to Christ. If people begin to notice me and not Christ is when i am living more for myself than my Savior that I claim to love.
I just wonder what people would think if we did things with much more humbleness. What if we did a good deed for someone and didn't go off and let everyone off to know as if to gain approval. I wonder if more people would see Christ and want to know more about him if we did something out of our love for God and not for ourselves. Not just for another mark that makes people like us or respect us more.
Just a thought
I read this and it makes me think a lot about myself and people in general. How often do we do a good act that pleases God but yet we run around and make sure that everyone knows that we did it. As I read this I think about humbleness and start to think that I really am not that humble. If i do something I want to shout it from the roof tops so that everyone can know what I, Brent Phillips have done. The more I think about that, that alone is wrong. I am nothing, nothing I do should give glory to me but it should all point to Christ. If people begin to notice me and not Christ is when i am living more for myself than my Savior that I claim to love.
I just wonder what people would think if we did things with much more humbleness. What if we did a good deed for someone and didn't go off and let everyone off to know as if to gain approval. I wonder if more people would see Christ and want to know more about him if we did something out of our love for God and not for ourselves. Not just for another mark that makes people like us or respect us more.
Just a thought
Friday, July 10, 2009
I think where getting it all wrong............
The more and more that I read and learn about God through the bible I feel like we are getting it very wrong. It seems like everyone has different opinions of what the bible is saying. The thing is most of these thoughts are being sent down from teacher to student for many years. Every book that comes out has an authors opionion of what they think scripture means. But if you are to find the person who taught them they agree with everything they have said in there book. No one has any of there own views of scripture they just have what they are told to believe.
It is like the people who are Calvinist are taught a Calvin doctrine from who they consider to be there teacher or pastor. The same goes for those who have Arminist beliefs. But how many of us have sat down with our bible's and looked at it with an open mind, forgetting all that has been told to us. And we searched it out for answers and its true meaning for ourselves. Some of you may be reading this saying well i have a quiet time so i do this but most of us sit down with a devotional or something that someone has told us to read so we can talk about it later.
I really just wonder what will happen if we sit down and study the bible without anything else to help us. What if we found the answers for ourself instead of just realying on what someone else says or one verse of scripture that agrees with there point.
I think we should try it, and I wonder what will happen. I think for one a deeper love for God will come and a true honest understanding of scripture. And who knows what you believe after looking it up may be completely wrong and you have to make sure your following what God says and not what someone else says.
I do not know if this is making much since at all and I may get in trouble for this but I am wondering what will happen. Who knows maybe someone who follows a very Arminist doctrine will follow more of a Calvinist one. Who knows just try it......
It is like the people who are Calvinist are taught a Calvin doctrine from who they consider to be there teacher or pastor. The same goes for those who have Arminist beliefs. But how many of us have sat down with our bible's and looked at it with an open mind, forgetting all that has been told to us. And we searched it out for answers and its true meaning for ourselves. Some of you may be reading this saying well i have a quiet time so i do this but most of us sit down with a devotional or something that someone has told us to read so we can talk about it later.
I really just wonder what will happen if we sit down and study the bible without anything else to help us. What if we found the answers for ourself instead of just realying on what someone else says or one verse of scripture that agrees with there point.
I think we should try it, and I wonder what will happen. I think for one a deeper love for God will come and a true honest understanding of scripture. And who knows what you believe after looking it up may be completely wrong and you have to make sure your following what God says and not what someone else says.
I do not know if this is making much since at all and I may get in trouble for this but I am wondering what will happen. Who knows maybe someone who follows a very Arminist doctrine will follow more of a Calvinist one. Who knows just try it......
Monday, May 25, 2009
Its Late
It is late its about 3:30 in the morning and I just got home from some Steak n Shake with Kelsey and Sarah. I have no reason to be writing a blog right now because my mind is not working well but oh well I am. I have a lot on my mind currently so I am going to probably later today write about all that.
God is good and amazes me daily. I screw up daily and do not repent enough but still God is good. AMEN!!!!
Here sarah I blogged at 3:30 in the morning like you guessed i would.
God is good and amazes me daily. I screw up daily and do not repent enough but still God is good. AMEN!!!!
Here sarah I blogged at 3:30 in the morning like you guessed i would.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Zephaniah 3:17
As I read Zephaniah 3:17 "The LORD your God is with you he is mighty to save He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing" I just wonder how much I truly believe this most days. So often I let the things of this world weigh on me and i don't truly sit back and rejoice in the fact that our God is Might to Save. I mean seriously think about that thought, imagine a loving God who was so mighty to save that he sent His Son to die on a cross for us. He truly does delight in us or else he wouldn't have sent his son here for us. And then it says he even rejoices over us. Seriously sitting here thinking about this gives me just a sense of calm. I sense that no matter what I go through he truly was Mighty to Save.
If you are reading this I just want you to sit back and think about how god truly does save. He reached into the pits and pulled us out. We were not deserving of anything but because of his love he made us deserving. For that I am thankful and I want to write the bridge to the song Mighty to Save by Hillsong because I truly think that if you understand that God truly did save then this should be happening.
"Shine your light and let the whole world see
Were singing
For the glory of the risen king JESUS!!"
Truly think about how Mighty to Save God is!!!
Love you all
If you are reading this I just want you to sit back and think about how god truly does save. He reached into the pits and pulled us out. We were not deserving of anything but because of his love he made us deserving. For that I am thankful and I want to write the bridge to the song Mighty to Save by Hillsong because I truly think that if you understand that God truly did save then this should be happening.
"Shine your light and let the whole world see
Were singing
For the glory of the risen king JESUS!!"
Truly think about how Mighty to Save God is!!!
Love you all
Thursday, May 7, 2009
What If...
I sit here wondering what the world would think of the Christian Church if they stopped hating. And i understand not all churches hate but I am saying as a whole. So many times Christians want to stand outside abortion clinics, gay rallies, or anything that they think is bad and picket and complain. What if we stopped doing that? What if we stepped up to the plate and stop shunning people who are not like us? What if we showed them the love of Christ?
Christ is what we are all about, we believe that Jesus out of LOVE came and died on a cross for our sins. But so often we forget that we are just as guilty as the person next to us and that we deserve nothing. What if someone stood outside your house and picketed and complained about you because of your sinful state? How would you feel and what would you think about the Christian Church? No sin is worse then another and I think it is time we start acting like Christ instead of running his name through the dirt.
Also understand that I put we in all this because I am no better then anyone else but I just believe that we need to do something to reach a lost and dying world and complaining about people who sin without looking at ourselves in our sinful state is a problem.
Love yall
Christ is what we are all about, we believe that Jesus out of LOVE came and died on a cross for our sins. But so often we forget that we are just as guilty as the person next to us and that we deserve nothing. What if someone stood outside your house and picketed and complained about you because of your sinful state? How would you feel and what would you think about the Christian Church? No sin is worse then another and I think it is time we start acting like Christ instead of running his name through the dirt.
Also understand that I put we in all this because I am no better then anyone else but I just believe that we need to do something to reach a lost and dying world and complaining about people who sin without looking at ourselves in our sinful state is a problem.
Love yall
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Please read this
I was listening to my i-tunes earlier and I came across this song by Building 429 called "Always" and the words pierced my heart. So i wanted to post the words on here for you to read and then put the music video which brought tears to my eyes. God truly is good and this song is amazing. Please read the words then watch the video its amazing!!
I was standing in the pour raining
One dark November night
Fighting off the bitter cold
When she caught my eye
Her face was torn and her eyes were filled
And then to my surprise
She pulled out a photograph
And my heart just stopped inside
She said He would have been three today
I miss his smile, I miss his face
What was I supposed to say
But I believe always always
Our Savior never fails
Even when all hope is gone
God knows our pain and His promise remains
He will be with you always
He was living in a broken world dreaming of a home
His heart was barely keeping pace
When I found him all alone
Remembering the way he felt
When his daddy said goodbye
Fighting just to keep the tears
And the anger locked inside
He's barely holding on to faith
But deliverance is on its way
'Cuz I believe always always
Our Savior never fails
Even when all hope is gone
God knows our pain and His promise remains
He will be with you always
Friend I don't know where you are
And I don't know where you've been
Maybe you're fighting for your life
Or just about to throw the towel in
But if you're crying out for mercy
If there's no hope left at all
If you've given everything you've got
And you're still about to fall
Well hold on, hold on, hold on
Cuz I believe always always
Our Savior never fails
Even when all faith is gone
God knows our pain and His promise remains
Always, Always
He will be with you always
He will be with you always
He will be with you
I was standing in the pour raining
One dark November night
Fighting off the bitter cold
When she caught my eye
Her face was torn and her eyes were filled
And then to my surprise
She pulled out a photograph
And my heart just stopped inside
She said He would have been three today
I miss his smile, I miss his face
What was I supposed to say
But I believe always always
Our Savior never fails
Even when all hope is gone
God knows our pain and His promise remains
He will be with you always
He was living in a broken world dreaming of a home
His heart was barely keeping pace
When I found him all alone
Remembering the way he felt
When his daddy said goodbye
Fighting just to keep the tears
And the anger locked inside
He's barely holding on to faith
But deliverance is on its way
'Cuz I believe always always
Our Savior never fails
Even when all hope is gone
God knows our pain and His promise remains
He will be with you always
Friend I don't know where you are
And I don't know where you've been
Maybe you're fighting for your life
Or just about to throw the towel in
But if you're crying out for mercy
If there's no hope left at all
If you've given everything you've got
And you're still about to fall
Well hold on, hold on, hold on
Cuz I believe always always
Our Savior never fails
Even when all faith is gone
God knows our pain and His promise remains
Always, Always
He will be with you always
He will be with you always
He will be with you
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
The Real Me
I have started to write this blog about 50 times and I always end up deleting it. But I will actually write it this time. I named this The Real Me because I am about to tell you who I really am underneath it all. The person that I hide from the world, the person who when you look deep down in my soul you would see. Sounds kind of scary doesn't it? I think so also because I do not know how people will take this post but oh well, i think what the world needs is truth and I hope by revealing some things about myself that the world may see that even though I am a "Christian" that I am still no better then anyone else.
Well here I go if you look deep in my soul you will see a man that has been so hurt in areas of his life. Whether it be having to look at my mom unresponsive after she tried to commit suicide or whether it be the idea that I will never be good enough to compared to others. Sometimes I try to do things so that I can try live up to standards that I probably can never reach. This is so hard to tell you because on the outside I like to act like I have everything together. I like to be the one that people should look to when it comes to trying to live out a Christ center lifestyle even though deep in my soul there is burdens that holds me back from letting Christ truly be the center of everything I am. I admit there are some areas of my life that Christ runs but there are many that he does not.
Next when you look deep in my soul you will see a man who is never truly happy financially. I come from a lower class family mostly because my dad had cancer when I was kid and then he had probably a surgery every year I have been born so my family has never really been able to recover financially. I feel like I never have enough and this mostly comes from my idolatry. Most all of my friends come from upper class or upper middle class families. So it is hard for me to always have to hear about everything they get when for the last 3 Christmas's i have only got a t-shirt and maybe a pair of jeans or a 20 dollar gift card to wal-mart. I dont say that to make you pity me I tell you that because I want to tell you what is in my soul and what I am dealing with.
This is a hard one to admit but there is no reason to not admit it. I do struggle with adultery just like most guys but since it is there I want to tell you. And thats all I am going to say about that.
Next if you look a little deeper into my soul, you will see a man who deep down does care about how people look at him. I do not think people get how much my heart breaks when I hear someone tear me down. I am very bad about this because I sometimes hide this one the best because showing what I truly feel would make me vulnerable and as a guy I was raised to not show vulnerability. But who cares, I do care about what people think even though I shouldn't.
So if you look deep in my soul you would see a man who looks nothing like what you see on the outside. You would see a man who is more concerned about what others think then what God thinks, more about how he is going to survive financially then God being the provider. You see a man who is a huge Adulterer and a man that struggles with many things from his past. But the one big thing that you would see deep in my soul along with all of that is God. You would see a God that can take all those things away and a God who truly is there through all of my troubles. Now I admit that most of the time I push him down because I do not want his help I want to do it alone. But even when I want to do it alone I am not alone He is still there with me carrying me.
Well this was the hardest thing I have ever done but God is good and there is no reason to hide my struggles especially if my struggles may actually be able to help someone. I will leave you with two verses.
Hebrews 10:22 "let us draw near to God with a sincere heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled to cleanse us from a guilty conscience and having our bodies washed with pure water"
1 Thessalonians 5:10-11, He died for us so that, whether we are awake or asleep, we may live together with him.Therefore encourage one another and build each other up
Love you all
Well here I go if you look deep in my soul you will see a man that has been so hurt in areas of his life. Whether it be having to look at my mom unresponsive after she tried to commit suicide or whether it be the idea that I will never be good enough to compared to others. Sometimes I try to do things so that I can try live up to standards that I probably can never reach. This is so hard to tell you because on the outside I like to act like I have everything together. I like to be the one that people should look to when it comes to trying to live out a Christ center lifestyle even though deep in my soul there is burdens that holds me back from letting Christ truly be the center of everything I am. I admit there are some areas of my life that Christ runs but there are many that he does not.
Next when you look deep in my soul you will see a man who is never truly happy financially. I come from a lower class family mostly because my dad had cancer when I was kid and then he had probably a surgery every year I have been born so my family has never really been able to recover financially. I feel like I never have enough and this mostly comes from my idolatry. Most all of my friends come from upper class or upper middle class families. So it is hard for me to always have to hear about everything they get when for the last 3 Christmas's i have only got a t-shirt and maybe a pair of jeans or a 20 dollar gift card to wal-mart. I dont say that to make you pity me I tell you that because I want to tell you what is in my soul and what I am dealing with.
This is a hard one to admit but there is no reason to not admit it. I do struggle with adultery just like most guys but since it is there I want to tell you. And thats all I am going to say about that.
Next if you look a little deeper into my soul, you will see a man who deep down does care about how people look at him. I do not think people get how much my heart breaks when I hear someone tear me down. I am very bad about this because I sometimes hide this one the best because showing what I truly feel would make me vulnerable and as a guy I was raised to not show vulnerability. But who cares, I do care about what people think even though I shouldn't.
So if you look deep in my soul you would see a man who looks nothing like what you see on the outside. You would see a man who is more concerned about what others think then what God thinks, more about how he is going to survive financially then God being the provider. You see a man who is a huge Adulterer and a man that struggles with many things from his past. But the one big thing that you would see deep in my soul along with all of that is God. You would see a God that can take all those things away and a God who truly is there through all of my troubles. Now I admit that most of the time I push him down because I do not want his help I want to do it alone. But even when I want to do it alone I am not alone He is still there with me carrying me.
Well this was the hardest thing I have ever done but God is good and there is no reason to hide my struggles especially if my struggles may actually be able to help someone. I will leave you with two verses.
Hebrews 10:22 "let us draw near to God with a sincere heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled to cleanse us from a guilty conscience and having our bodies washed with pure water"
1 Thessalonians 5:10-11, He died for us so that, whether we are awake or asleep, we may live together with him.Therefore encourage one another and build each other up
Love you all
Saturday, April 11, 2009
What a God!!!
As I think about this Easter season I have begun to think about the fact that Christ bore his body on a cross and died for everyone and not just for some. It truly is amazing that no matter who we are the God of the Universe was willing to die for us. No matter if we are gay, straight; murderers, thieves, liars, and the list can go on and on. No matter who we are Christ died for us. I feel like so many times we act like Christ died for the righteous people, but no one is righteous. We have all sinned and fall short of the glory of God that is written in Romans 3:23.
Also in Romans 5 Paul the writer of the letter to the Romans is talking about Christ the savior of the world and he writes “Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous man, though for a good man someone might possibly dare to die. But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us” See in God’s eyes we are all worth saving no matter what we have done. In this world we live in people do not normally willingly give up their lives. It would take an act of so much Love to be willing to sacrifice it all for another. And that is exactly what God did, he loved us so much that he sent his one and only son that whoever believes in him will not perish but have everlasting life that’s written in John 3:16
I can truly tell you that this life that Christ offers is truly worth it. How many other times can you truly think of someone that loves you so much he is willing to die for you? That is what Easter is about; it is about The Savior who died on a cross for the sins of the world and then defeated death three days later and rose from the grave. No matter who you are Christ died for you, so that you would be able to experience eternal life and be with him in heaven.
So what does it take to get this salvation that is offered freely to us? In Romans 10:9 Paul explains it, he says “That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved” and then in Romans 10:9 he says “Anyone who calls upon the name of the Lord WILL be saved.” It is written out very clearly all we have do is call upon the name of the lord and believe in out heart that he is God and we will be saved. I capitalized the word WILL because it does not say that you might be saved, that God will consider letting you have eternal life it says you WILL be saved.
If you have read this and have any questions please feel free to send me a message or call me or anything. Christ is the most important thing to me and I would love to talk to anyone about it. I love you all.
Also in Romans 5 Paul the writer of the letter to the Romans is talking about Christ the savior of the world and he writes “Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous man, though for a good man someone might possibly dare to die. But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us” See in God’s eyes we are all worth saving no matter what we have done. In this world we live in people do not normally willingly give up their lives. It would take an act of so much Love to be willing to sacrifice it all for another. And that is exactly what God did, he loved us so much that he sent his one and only son that whoever believes in him will not perish but have everlasting life that’s written in John 3:16
I can truly tell you that this life that Christ offers is truly worth it. How many other times can you truly think of someone that loves you so much he is willing to die for you? That is what Easter is about; it is about The Savior who died on a cross for the sins of the world and then defeated death three days later and rose from the grave. No matter who you are Christ died for you, so that you would be able to experience eternal life and be with him in heaven.
So what does it take to get this salvation that is offered freely to us? In Romans 10:9 Paul explains it, he says “That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved” and then in Romans 10:9 he says “Anyone who calls upon the name of the Lord WILL be saved.” It is written out very clearly all we have do is call upon the name of the lord and believe in out heart that he is God and we will be saved. I capitalized the word WILL because it does not say that you might be saved, that God will consider letting you have eternal life it says you WILL be saved.
If you have read this and have any questions please feel free to send me a message or call me or anything. Christ is the most important thing to me and I would love to talk to anyone about it. I love you all.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
So if I were to jump off a building into a pool of M&M's would it be as sweet as it seems like it is in my dreams at night?
Also if I jumped into a pool of jello how far would I sink? Would I make it to the bottom? And once there would i actually want to eat the jello that is around me?
Also I really want to know that if i drove my car into a lake and let it sink to the bottom before trying to get out if I would be able to.
Not sure why I wonder these things but I do.
Also if I jumped into a pool of jello how far would I sink? Would I make it to the bottom? And once there would i actually want to eat the jello that is around me?
Also I really want to know that if i drove my car into a lake and let it sink to the bottom before trying to get out if I would be able to.
Not sure why I wonder these things but I do.
Monday, April 6, 2009
Holy Week?
Ever year the week of Easter is considered the Holy Week, shouldn't every week be considered a holy week. A week in which God has allowed us to experience. So in that essence is it not holy?
Sunday, April 5, 2009
I keep finding myself looking for something more then this mediocre life I live. I keep searching for things that will feel me up, but yet the one thing I have always longed for and claim I live for has always been right in front of me. I searched for more money to feel me up but yet when I have money it runs out, I look to have more friends but yet the more friends I find it still didn't feel me up. I try to get more involved and to stay busy but being busy still made me feel empty.
All along I was looking for something more, even though I knew that everything I was needing was right in front of me. Christ died on a Cross for the sins of all men, and all we are called to do is call on his name. When it comes to life I feel it up with so many other things in hopes to find Joy, but true Joy comes from the Lord and I am starting to learn that.
It is tough nothing about living for Christ is easy. I am scrutinized, I am mocked but yet it is worth it. Christ died on a Cross for us, he was spit on beaten, which is worse then anything that will most likely happen to me in my life. And if it does happen to me then I will thank my God for it. So I was looking for something more and that more was Christ and he is more awesome then anything I can find in this life.
This blog may only make sense to me but I hope you understand it.
All along I was looking for something more, even though I knew that everything I was needing was right in front of me. Christ died on a Cross for the sins of all men, and all we are called to do is call on his name. When it comes to life I feel it up with so many other things in hopes to find Joy, but true Joy comes from the Lord and I am starting to learn that.
It is tough nothing about living for Christ is easy. I am scrutinized, I am mocked but yet it is worth it. Christ died on a Cross for us, he was spit on beaten, which is worse then anything that will most likely happen to me in my life. And if it does happen to me then I will thank my God for it. So I was looking for something more and that more was Christ and he is more awesome then anything I can find in this life.
This blog may only make sense to me but I hope you understand it.
Even though I am nothing Christ still thinks I am something in his eyes. WOW, why does He think we are so deserving of this Gift that he offers to us? I do not know but HE IS AMAZING!!
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
What Will It Take?
So my whole life I have herd the same phrase over and over, "I just expect so much more out of you" And i think it has finally got to the point where I have to ask what are these expectations? I feel as though I can do everything I am asked to do and always get told that I did better then they expected I would do. But then a week later I always hear I expect so much out of you or I expect so much more! I feel as though I am on this higher level that is unreachable. As much as I strive for it and try to do everything above and beyond in a sense I am still not living up to these "expecatations"
This is really starting to weight me down. I view my life as one that should point to Christ and I want to make sure my light focus's on him but when I hear things like this it makes me feel like I am doing everything wrong. I feel as though everyone else can be on this lower level but for me I have to be on this mountain above all others. They say that I have shown this potential but yet I dont continually live up to it.
I am very broken down right now, I feel as though every step I do is wrong and I am not sure what to do about it. I live my life not to please men but to please God in heaven, and not to seek earthly things or earthly fame but its hard when it seems like people are against you even if you feel you are doing right in Gods eyes.
Lord hide me behind the Cross because I am falling fast and this world seems to be against me, make my ways right in your eyes even if they might be wrong in the worlds eyes. Make me live in such a way that if you do not show up I will be in trouble. Lord renew my heart because I am broken!!
This is really starting to weight me down. I view my life as one that should point to Christ and I want to make sure my light focus's on him but when I hear things like this it makes me feel like I am doing everything wrong. I feel as though everyone else can be on this lower level but for me I have to be on this mountain above all others. They say that I have shown this potential but yet I dont continually live up to it.
I am very broken down right now, I feel as though every step I do is wrong and I am not sure what to do about it. I live my life not to please men but to please God in heaven, and not to seek earthly things or earthly fame but its hard when it seems like people are against you even if you feel you are doing right in Gods eyes.
Lord hide me behind the Cross because I am falling fast and this world seems to be against me, make my ways right in your eyes even if they might be wrong in the worlds eyes. Make me live in such a way that if you do not show up I will be in trouble. Lord renew my heart because I am broken!!
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
This last week I herd a person stand up and say that the one thing that was bugging them about their bible study is honesty. People sit in a group of there peers and act like nothing is wrong and they have it all together when that's not true. This event was of course at a bible study which is where the rest of this blog comes from. This person got me thinking because they were completely truthful.
When we look at the church today it is bad to show brokenness or reveal what you are dealing with while being there. Pastors cannot reveal things they struggle with because then some church members may get upset and not want them to be their minister. So they have to sugarcoat it like sin never happens to them. And then when we hear that one screws up you call for them to resign. I believe this can be a problem for a non-believer. Because they look in the church and it looks like a bunch of perfect people who do not struggle with anything and they do not think they can live up to that standard.
What if the people in the church were completely 100 percent honest with each other. What if i walked into church walked in front of people and said I struggle with Adultery or that I struggle with love of self or at times even question God. Would the church look down on me for that or would they embrace me in my problem and open up and say that they indeed struggle with that also. Because honestly no one is perfect and we are all broken in someway or another. It is brokenness that leads us to the Cross of Christ, and brokenness is a state that I want to be in everyday of my life because it is when I am broken that I truly rely on God and not rely on myself.
So I want to be honest here and let everyone know I am not perfect and never will. I am going to be a minister someday and I pray my honesty will help show Gods grace. Because honestly I do not deserve grace. I have screwed up in so many ways in my life that there is no reason that I should be forgiven for it. I hope that all of you can be honest also because there are people out there who just want someone who is dealing with what they are dealing with or someone who can admit that they use to struggle with that but have been healed or are past that struggle.
Remember brokenness is the state it takes to truly have to rely on Christ, so honestly pray to be broken to the point you cannot be broken anymore. Trust me it is a prayer that will change your life if you mean it. You will Love God 1,000,000 times more after it.
I love you all
Grace and Peace
The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart,
O God, you will not despise.
(Psalm 51:17)
When we look at the church today it is bad to show brokenness or reveal what you are dealing with while being there. Pastors cannot reveal things they struggle with because then some church members may get upset and not want them to be their minister. So they have to sugarcoat it like sin never happens to them. And then when we hear that one screws up you call for them to resign. I believe this can be a problem for a non-believer. Because they look in the church and it looks like a bunch of perfect people who do not struggle with anything and they do not think they can live up to that standard.
What if the people in the church were completely 100 percent honest with each other. What if i walked into church walked in front of people and said I struggle with Adultery or that I struggle with love of self or at times even question God. Would the church look down on me for that or would they embrace me in my problem and open up and say that they indeed struggle with that also. Because honestly no one is perfect and we are all broken in someway or another. It is brokenness that leads us to the Cross of Christ, and brokenness is a state that I want to be in everyday of my life because it is when I am broken that I truly rely on God and not rely on myself.
So I want to be honest here and let everyone know I am not perfect and never will. I am going to be a minister someday and I pray my honesty will help show Gods grace. Because honestly I do not deserve grace. I have screwed up in so many ways in my life that there is no reason that I should be forgiven for it. I hope that all of you can be honest also because there are people out there who just want someone who is dealing with what they are dealing with or someone who can admit that they use to struggle with that but have been healed or are past that struggle.
Remember brokenness is the state it takes to truly have to rely on Christ, so honestly pray to be broken to the point you cannot be broken anymore. Trust me it is a prayer that will change your life if you mean it. You will Love God 1,000,000 times more after it.
I love you all
Grace and Peace
The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart,
O God, you will not despise.
(Psalm 51:17)
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Tough Times
Life is tough!!! I use that with three exclamation points because as everyone knows one just does not explain how tough it can be at times. I look back over the last year and I see the toughs times I have gone through and maybe at the time did not think I would ever see the end of that tunnel. I watched a dear love one unresponsive in the hospital after a unsuccessful attempt at suicide, then watched that love one come back around and regret the decision they had made. I watched as my parents had to deal with my Dad waiting to be accepted for disability and not being able to bring home any type of income while waiting, and then me having to deal with attempting to pay some of the much needed bills of theirs. These times were tough and still continue to be tough. My Dad was given a court date for his disability but it was postponed so now almost 2 years later he still doesn't have an income and its still tough on my family.
These events are TOUGH and a lot of time it seems like there is no end to the madness but there is. I am in good health and unless there is a freak accident(which could happen)I should survive many more years and look back and laugh about all these so called tough times. And it could also be that in the future I look at something I am going through and wish I was going through something easy like I am right now. Who knows only the future can tell.
But I want everyone who reads this to be encouraged because honestly what ever hardships today brings there is always tomorrow. And tomorrow is so much brighter than today. And the one thing that can make that day brighter is Christ. So rest in him because his path is so much better then the one we choose. And the path he leads us on is perfect but we always want to stray away from that and try to do it our own way. Be encourages because he wants to lead you through the tough times.
I love you all
In Christ
These events are TOUGH and a lot of time it seems like there is no end to the madness but there is. I am in good health and unless there is a freak accident(which could happen)I should survive many more years and look back and laugh about all these so called tough times. And it could also be that in the future I look at something I am going through and wish I was going through something easy like I am right now. Who knows only the future can tell.
But I want everyone who reads this to be encouraged because honestly what ever hardships today brings there is always tomorrow. And tomorrow is so much brighter than today. And the one thing that can make that day brighter is Christ. So rest in him because his path is so much better then the one we choose. And the path he leads us on is perfect but we always want to stray away from that and try to do it our own way. Be encourages because he wants to lead you through the tough times.
I love you all
In Christ
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