Wednesday, January 27, 2010


I have recently been wrestling with the idea of writing a book. I know it may sound silly but one thing I long to do in my life is to reach people from many different areas. I long to help disciple and to teach everyone around me.

The books focus would be looking at the church in the way that our generation does. What it is that people our age want to see and how we want to see a revolution happen. A lot of books that are released today are pointed to more to the later adult hood age. Even the people that write to people of our age are 30 years older then us most times. I wanted to know your thoughts on this idea and if you think it is something I should pursue. If you think it would be something that maybe you would read or something you think I should undertake let me know. Feel free to be honest and you can even hit the anonymous button if you do not think it is a good idea, so that you do not feel like i will think differently of you.

I feel our generation needs to be herd and I think this would be an interesting book/study that will help people understand.

Love You All


Kasi Cannady said...

Most def. I would read it!!!!

Jacob Russell said...

I agree that we need a book written in our generations view of the church. I believe that it would be good for someone our age to write it as well. If you need any help I would love to support you in the effort.