Thursday, June 24, 2010

A Tangled Web

I have been thinking a lot more then usual as of late. About many different things from where I belong in the church, to girls, to just random other crap that in the end does not matter.

About Church
As many of you know I have been a youth pastor and recently resigned from that church. I will not speak ill of the church on here so you can just go on and assume whatever you want to about that situation. Yes I am a very strong willed person but as much as people do not think I do, I do know when to be quiet and how to work with others. But I am a firm believer in some times God will call us to things that will be tough and may not end the way we want but it is how we stand during it all that matters. I still love God and even though I do believe that many church need to be revived and actually let the holy spirit work in them, i do still love the church. I am just currently trying to find out where I should go.

About Girls:
Do you really think I am about to talk about this on my blog? All i need is people trying to read into my words to try to figure out what I am thinking or what girl is on my mind. What am I in 6th grade? Of course I am a guy of course I find girls attractive but I am trying really hard to not put stock in that. Plus i graduate in Decemeber so no need to care to much right now.

This world is interesting and this is a little bit of what I am thinking about recently. If you could see in my brain it would seem a lot deeper then this and a lot more like a tangled web but I guess it is a good thing you cant. Also it is very late and I am tired so forget that fact that this may not make a lot of sense.

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