Saturday, November 20, 2010

Appreciation Day 2

Well day 2 of my Appreciation blog goes out to probably one of the most encouraging people I know. Always makes sure to check and see how people are doing and I honestly believe he cares. So this blog goes out to my man Marcus Bagwell. A man who challenges anyone who comes in contact with him to shine Christ in all times. A man who even though he seems to be doing a million things at once always has time to stop and talk to people. A person who honestly makes me want to be a better person and deepen my faith in Christ. It is a blessing to see your heart for ministry and how much you truly do put your best into everything you do. You truly show that everything you do you do as if working for the Lord and that truly is a blessing.

Man I remember the days when you were a freshman and I was helping lead worship and getting to know you from that experience. I am thankful to this day we became friends and you did not kill me from that experience. Because as you know a guy like me can me a sounds guys worst nightmare because apparently I sing loud enough without a mic.  

Love ya my man and I know God is calling you to huge things and I am excited to see where that will lead you. Whether that be here in the states or even farther away I know God will use you to change hearts as He already has. Keep it up man and keep in touch even though I am moving 12 hours away. Love ya

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