Sunday, November 21, 2010

Appreciation Day 3

Day 3 of this blog I think it is time to show some love to a girl whose friendship is dear to me here at WKU. So this blog goes out to the only girl I know who gives me a run for my money at being to competitive. Also the girl who at one time had to listen to me boss her around as Outreach Exec when she was in charge or intramurals. And then she had to deal with me as her co-leader for freshman family groups. So I want to show some appreciation to the one girl out of my friends here at college who has had to deal with me probably the most.

So Sara Clifton this goes out to you. I promise that in everything you do if you keep God number 1 you will amount to amazing things. Also know that if you ever become a general manager of a baseball team or hockey team that I will be calling for free tickets and free stuff. Also every team needs a Chaplin which goes right up my ally. But keep your head held high and keep pressing, you have had a great impact on many lives more so than you can probably imagine. Keep it up and remember to keep in touch when we both move away in about a month.

Also the picture below goes out to our days as being in charge or Freshman. 

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