Thursday, November 18, 2010


Well I have not written a blog in quite sometime. Not really sure why that is maybe I am trying to make the best of the time I have left and sometimes people get upset by my blog. Now it is not like me to care but I guess I want everyone to be happy until I leave because there is something not exciting about moving 12 hours away when you know someone that I call a friend is mad at me. Maybe it is just God trying to teach me a thing or two about not trying to upset people but those people this blog offends at time look past the point that everything I write is directed at myself and my battles with sin. I try not to write anything that I have not dealt with or are not still dealing with.

Well a long intro to this blog makes you wonder what this will be about doesn’t it? I am thinking about writing over the next month a series of blogs dedicated to certain people in my life that have helped impact me and my time here in Bowling Green as a student at WKU. Maybe it is because it is thanksgiving season or something but I feel this will be a good way to show my appreciation for people since it is normally not my strong point to show appreciation. Also do not feel upset over the next month if your name does not show up. Everyone who reads this means more to me then you could ever understand. I truly love all the encouragement I have got from you all. So please know that I do appreciate you even if your name does not show up.

Well first up on this list of people comes a dear friend who I am surprised we have become such great friends. This is a guy who I know did not like me very much at first but now we have become great friends and I know this guy truly would do anything to help a friend. From our days in D-group together or from our days just sitting and talking or to the more recent days of geocaching and ping pong. This guy has been a true encouragement to me. It is odd to think that for a couple years it looked like he was following my footsteps at the BCM. First taking over Campus Events after me and then taking over Outreach Exec after I did and to think about how this guy has challenged me in ways I could not imagine.

So this blog entry goes out to my boy Adam Drummond. You are a light in the darkness and even if sometimes it gets a little foggy out the light will always shine through. Keep strong my man I know God has amazing things planned for you and you have truly blessed many people. You are truly one person I will miss having around when I move away but I know that we will keep in touch. Keep your head held high and keep pressing!! Love ya man

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