We have all heard the cliché about life being a rollercoaster, it has its ups and its downs and its twists and even loops at times. I have to admit that I was never the biggest fan of this cliché because a lot of times life is not as simple as that illustration. Plus who likes the idea that every time you reach the top you fall down farther than you did before? This thought has me thinking tonight about the people in my life, all of the people that I see and talk to on a regular basis. Then I began to wonder where they currently are mentally and spiritually on this short ride we call life. I would say that everyone can admit that at one time or another they have been struggling or hurting but have tried to act as though nothing is wrong. I am not sure why but I feel like this is happening more than ever right now. Life continues to throw us curve balls and so often we swing and miss horribly when it is thrown and just like most people we lower our head and walk away trying to hide the embarrassment.
More than ever I feel that we have to stop walking away and begin to stand in the midst of struggle and trust God. I am not sure what exactly it is that is going on in your life and will never say I can understand half the things you probably go through but I know someone who can understand. So often when struggles come we like to look at ourselves for answers and begin to think that the only way to get out of something is if I do something. To often we try to turn ourselves into God instead of trusting the one who has called out to us and has offered redemption to us. If there is one thing I can promise it is that things never get easier away from God and some of us have been running from God for so long that we do not even know what it would be like to be comforted by His grace.
Recently my heart has really been seeking revival. Of course starting in my own life and then moving to the community around me. I know God is seeking revival in your heart also and for us to all to begin to rise with one voice speaking out for the name of Christ. No one wants to run this race alone and no one wants to wonder where everyone has gone. Let us as people of God begin to stop being selfish and start becoming selfless. Stop being takers and become givers and to rid ourselves of hate and begin to Love the way that Christ did when he did on a cross. I know at times the pit we find ourselves in is hard to climb out of but maybe it is time to drop everything we hold on to and reach up to the arms of Christ that are reaching to grab us out of the pit.
I will close with 2 verses that I pray you think about. Let us rise together and reach this world, our time is short let us live for the only one who is worth living for. Love you all.
“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest” -Matthew 11:28
“For out of the overflow of your heart the mouth speaks” - Luke 6:45
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